New In Store  -  October 2, 2018

Flowers on Silk - Malin Gabriella Nordin for Soulland

Born 1988 in Stockholm, artist Malin Gabriella Nordin went to Norway at age 22 to study at the Bergen National Academy of Arts. One year later, she had her first solo exhibition in her home country and from that on, her work spread. Recently, she designed a beautiful print for Soulland.

Nordin started off as a champ of collage when she was a child, rearranging the “good garbage” and cut-out stuff from magazines, and she loved Henri Rousseau’s Jungle Book already back then. Going to art school in her youth was a welcome change to her life in Stockholm and a luxury, as she says, working in a studio everyday and getting in touch with other people.

Her probably biggest buzz so far was the solo show Private Language, where she invited 11 children to discuss her sculptures and rearrange them or give them the final brush stroke. Nordin’s eclectic work includes collages, sculptures and paintings, mostly in happy colors. As to her inspirations, the artist speaks about her dreams where she has seen “so many unpainted paintings”, and adds about the origin of her imagery: “It’s what rolls by when I close my eyes. And I think a lot about water.”

Because art is best experienced on one’s own, just have a look at her Instagram (highly recommended though):
After her first work in fashion for Filippa K, this season Nordin created beautiful flowery prints for Soulland. This collaboration is not overly surprising, as co-founder Jacob Kampp Berliner showcased her art already 2014 in his gallery Steinsland Berliner in Stockholm.

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